WS2812B / NeoPixelTwo high performance non-blocking libraries support use of WS2812B LEDs.OctoWS2811transmits any number of outputs in parallel, allowing almost any number LEDs to berefreshed at up to 30 Hz video rate. On Teensy 4.0, OctoWS2811 supports useof any number of digital pins, not limited to only 8 pins as on Teensy 3.x.WS2812Serialtransmits a single output,but up to 8 instances may be used. Non-blocking transmission uses DMA totransmit automatically, while your code is able to continue running. Thismuch more allows complex animations or efficent communication than traditionalblocking.SmartMatrix & SmartLED Shield for HUB75 RGB LED PanelsSmartLED Shield(version 5) enables Teensy 4.0 to drive high-qualitygraphics to large HUB75 RGB LED panel arrays (from 32x16 up to 128x64 pixels).The SmartMatrix librarymakes it easy to draw basic graphics,create scrolling and static text, draw beautiful patterns using FastLED,and play animated GIFs on the panel. SmartMatrix uses Teensy 4.0's specialfeatures to send graphics data with minimal CPU usage, so you can use theprocessor to do other tasks in parallel such as SPI communication, filedecoding, or complex rendering.DMX Lighting ControlAny of the 7 serial ports may be used for efficient communication withDMX lighting controllers.RGB LEDsOrdinary LEDs may be variable-brightness controlled by PWM, or theSoftPWM &ShiftPWM libraries.ShiftPWM controlling 16 RGB LEDs using six 74HCT595 chips
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